Back :: Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements

Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Original breadboard and single-layer cage, with reed switch (credit: James Rowson).

Original breadboard and single-layer cage, with reed switch (credit: James Rowson).

  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Magnet attached to diesel's wheel (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Original breadboard and single-layer cage, with reed switch (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Reed switch on side of cage (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Motion sensor (center pin = signal) (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Motion sensor attached to cage (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Motion sensor attached to cage (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Soldering the motion sensor plugs (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Extended breadboard with multiple inputs (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Multiple motion sensors attached to cage (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Diesel's new 3-layer cage (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Extended breadboard plus inputs (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Breadboard and power supply (via LM317's) (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Underside of breadboard (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Topside of veroboard (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Reed switch and wheel spin sensor assesmbly (biro and a bit of wood) (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Wheel spin sensor cable tie'd onto the cage (credit: James Rowson).
  • Monitoring Diesel (the Hamster)'s Movements - Diesel in his little side pod! (credit: James Rowson).

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