Underneath the craft, whilst on jacks. Again a rare experience, this shows one of the seven hydraulic jack rams raised. This is at the bow of the craft. A few things to note here -
The rubber pad onto which the jack ram (rusty) is placed. This is one of the seven landing pads underneath the SRN4 - on landing it didnt sit on the skirt or even have a metal-to-ground contact. Instead it was placed down on these giant rubber biscuits, engineered to be the strongest points of the craft's structure.
The buoyancy tanks, seperated by a rusty coloured criss-cross grid and riveted together. These insulated tanks ensured the ability of the hovercraft to float, no matter how much feasible damage.
The fingers. Notice the skirt is not a tube all the way to its base, especially at the front, but is indeed made up of ripples of cone-shaped fabric toward the bottom. These allow better ride quality, and less wear on the main bag. The skirt is at its biggest at the bow, giving the craft its wave-riding characteristic nose-high attitude in flight. (credit: James Rowson).