I'm no longer updating this website, but I am paying to keep it alive as it's still being visited by a lot of people. I'm currently full-time in the health service and a father of two - if I'm honest, I have no idea how to update the SQL/PHP scripts I wrote for the image galleries anymore! However, it is always good to hear from members of the hover community, so thank you in advance for getting in touch. The Hovercraft Museum (see Links) is a great resource and staffed by expert volunteers with lots of up-to-date contacts in the worldwide hovercraft industry.
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If you send pictures, videos, photos or information to be hosted at James' Hovercraft Site, the original copyright and ownership of the material will remain yours and a credit to yourself will be shown next to the material you have provided. Any material you supply to be included in this website is much appreciated, thank you very much for your time and efforts in continuing to make this site a valuable resource for fellow viewers!