References & Bibliography

References & Bibliography

The following are the references and sources used throughout this site from the (citations) listed on the various pages.

Books, Journals and Publications

BHC, 1968. Mountbatten (SRN4) Class: Open Water Passenger-Car Ferry. Publication Number: SP 2043 (link)
Blunden, A., and Witcomb, G., 1985. The Hovercraft - A Ladybird Book. Revised Edition. UK : Ladybird Books Ltd. ISBN:0721409490
Cowsill, M., Hendy, J., 1991. The Hoverspeed Story. Wales: Ferry Publications. ISBN:187194709X
Croome, A., 1964. Into the air. Brockhampton Press
Croome, A.,1984. Hovercraft. Hodder. ISBN:0340330546
Hayden, E.S., 1969. How it Works: The Hovercraft. Ladybird Books. ISBN:0721402313
Hoverspeed, 1982. Streamlining the Channel. Birmingham: Weather Oak
Jackson, K., 1994. Discover the Hovercraft. Flexitech LLC. ISBN:0975341405
Leonard, J. C., Stevens, M. J., Buttigieg, J. A., 1989. Current and future developments in diesel powered hovercraft. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics pp 242-250.
McLeavy, R., 1976. Hovercraft and Hydrofoils. Blandford. ISBN:0713707674


Association of Search and Rescue Hovercraft (Gosport Branch), 2009. ASRH(GB). (
Barton, A., 2004. The SRN1 hovercraft of Saunders Roe. (
Barton, A., 2006. Hovercraft of Saunders Roe, Westland Aircraft, British Hovercraft Corporation (
Barton, A., 2008. Vickers-Armstrong Hovercraft. (
Barton, A., 2008b. Vosper Thornycroft. (
Barton, A., 2010. Hovermarine. (
Battleships-Cruisers, 2008. Vosper Thornycroft. (
Dover-Kent, 2006. Hovercraft. (
Freelancermap, 2008. Profile from Dagmar Lensing, Hovercraft Rental. (
Hovercraft Club of Great Britain, 2007. New Hovercraft Passenger Service for North Wales. (
Hovercraft Museum, 2007. Hovercraft Year by Year (
Hovercraft Museum, 2007a. SRN4 Mk I, II, III. ( Mk I, Mk II, Mk III)
Hovercraft Museum, 2007b. BH.7 Hovercraft (
Hovercraft Museum, 2007c. SRN3 (
Hovercraft Museum, 2011. VT-2 (
Hovercraft Rental, 2007. Hovercraft Rental Home. (
Hoverwork, 2004. Hoverwork: Hovercraft Manufacturer (
Hoverwork, 2009. Hovercraft Product Range: BHT130 (
Human Powered Hovercraft, 2011. Steam Boat Willy (
Incat, 2009. Incat 112 Specifications (
Land Rover Madness, 2005. Specialist Conversions. (
LDLines, 2009. LDLines Norman Arrow (
Monro, J., 2005. More Correspondence: Coal and Oil (
Old Classic Car, 2008. HoverLloyd SRN4 Hovercraft and the VA-3 of British United Airways. (
Pelican Parts, 2007. Restoration of hovercraft and its tow-truck. (
Solar Navigator, 2006. Hovercraft. (
Sunny Rhyl, 2007. Sunny Rhyl Sea Fishing Diary - Rhyl Hovercraft. (
Wikipedia, 2008a. Hovercraft. (
Wikipedia, 2008b. Christopher Cockerell. (
Wisegeek, 2003. What Is A Hovercraft?. (

Personal Communications

Dunn, E., 2011. VT-2 Information
Fuller, M., 2004. SRN6 statistical data & "SRN6 Experience"
Fuller, M., 2005. SEDAM N500 details, facts and pictures
Grandjean, S., 2010. "The tower at Boulogne Hoverport is now used by local economic authority. Their main mission is to help for economical devlopement for Boulogne mainland."
Heatley, L., 2010. "N-500 was scrapped on the pad in Boulogne"
Hiseman, R., 2009. Specifications of the ASRH(GB) Osprey 5 hovercraft.
Hole, M., 2010. Photos and information re: British Antarctic Survey 1987-8
James, G., 2008. SRN1 Recollections
Jones, G., 2009. 1978 storm skirt damage to SRN4 The Princess Anne.
Mark, 2009 (hover-gen list). "The Twin prop was made up of two craft Sure and Freedom."
Old, R. T., 2005. "The demise of VA3 was spectacular and painful. She was blown up off Ryde sands by a series of controlled underwater explosions carried out by the RN and BHC to determine the vulnerabilty of air cushioned vehicles to mines etc. Though severely damaged during the final tests individual 'bits'of her had to be chased on the tide and disposed of separately. The maximun 'g' recorded was of the order of 7, it was suggested at the time that a ship or submarine would have experienced something of the order of 20 'g'plus in similar circumstances."
Parkinson, C., 2008. "The bow-on shot of the Coast Guard Hovercraft is i believe #039, built for a Gulf State, but never delivered, although the craft were registered in Ottawa, the SRN6 and one SRN5 was based at Sea island hovercraft base. The two SRN6 were 086 and 039, the SRN5 was decomissioned and another SRN6 was bought from the Arctic, parts were taken from the SRN5 to get the SRN6 working and registered as 045. At the same time the Coast Guard was operating a AP1-88 200 on the East Coast. 086 was retired first, then 045 and finally 039. We now have 2 AP1-88 400 and 2 AP1-88 200, one of each on the West Coast and East coast."
Walker, 2009. "Just to let you know I heard it was becoming a sorta carpark for lorries? Seems such a waste.."

Page updated: Wednesday, August 15, 2012