BHC SRN4 Information Booklet::

BHC SRN4 Information Booklet

BHC SRN4 Information Booklet

This was the original promotional and information booklet from the British Hovercraft Corporation (BHC) regarding the SRN4 Mk. I, the first version of the SRN4 and first production craft. The craft in the booklet later became The Princess Margaret but that's another story. The booklet was kindly sent to me by Nigel Thornton, and is downloadable as a PDF file, with thumnail previews of its four pages on this page. The booklet lists the details and General Arrangements of the SRN4 as first produced by BHC in July 1968, including the then planned three arrangements of the craft, namely Basic Craft (174 pax, 34 cars), Standard Craft (254pax, 30cars) and All-Passenger Craft (609 pax). Of these three arrangements, only one was produced, that being the Basic Craft.

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Page updated Saturday, September 13, 2014